Beginning with the iconic 1988 story “(Learning About) Machine Sex” and ending with a new tale written specially for this volume, Ice gathers thirty years of the dazzlingly imaginative short fiction of Candas Jane Dorsey, who, as writer, editor, publisher, writing teacher, reviewer, anthologist, and essayist, has had a dramatic and formative effect on Canadian literary, queer and feminist speculative fiction since her debut story was published in 1977.
In Ice:
An alienated would-be assassin makes a hobby of destroying drowned skyscrapers…
A stolen child trained to kill discovers an alternative…
A detective fails to save her digital daughter from a predator…
A city becomes a museum under the curation of a bored former space-traveller…
An abuse survivor discovers the shocking pain that underlies an ambitious personal art project…
A tough, hard-boiled poet laureate tracks down a lost raison-d’être…
A bridge of virtual birds leads a shape-shifting futurist into a turbulent landscape of love, e-mail spam, and money…
These are only a few of the scenarios brought to edgy, literate, evocative life in this landmark collection.